Author Archive for RubyJoan

M & O Levy


A Vote for the M&O Levy is a Vote to Save Our Community The May 17th School levy election is about much more than saving our schools. It’s about saving our community. In its outcome, we will be making a…

absentee ballot


A note on Absentee voting Absentee voting is available to all County residents who are registered to vote. You may vote by absentee ballot even if you will be here on election day. It’s simple, quick and eliminates the prospect…

Seniors register to vote


Seniors Register to Vote Charena Branscum one of numerous eligible Seniors “The next step in becoming an adult” Democracy is not pretty – we’ve heard it many times, but it does have it’s more appealing side, such as when our…



Air Traffic Control clears Jasper Jessop to the Spokane International airport as filed, climb and maintain 10,000 feet. Leaving 7,000 feet, contact Seattle Center on 123.95, squawk 4321. On Thursday, the third of February, Jasper Jessop of Porthill added an…

Mike Oehler-the coming storm


Local Author to Host Presentation The Coming Storm Is civilization teetering on the edge of cataclysm? Mike Oehler, a Boundary County resident with several decades of national and international recognition for developing, teaching and writing about underground structures and survival,…